Why I Started The Gemini Group, LLC
By Christina S. Hassan, CEO
My career in civil rights began with using my law degree to address employment discrimination cases for federal employees who believed they had been discriminated against based on race, national origin, sex, disability, and other protected factors. I did this work for years, watching countless employees fight uphill battles against a government with seemingly limitless resources. Proving employment discrimination in these cases was a long, grueling process with a high bar for success, making victories few and far between. The journey was emotionally draining and time-intensive, with real retaliation concerns for those brave enough to come forward. Still, the harm to individuals from marginalized communities was undeniable and ongoing, and I felt as though I was running on a hamster wheel—constantly stepping in only after the harm had been done. I did my best to help make these individuals “whole,” though I knew that “whole” was often only a partial reality.
Eventually, I recognized that I needed to do more and on a larger scale. I wanted to shift from a reactive approach to a proactive one, focusing on preventing harm before it occurred. To support this vision, I returned to school for a Master’s in Social Work, to deepen my understanding of community systems and broader population dynamics. I combined this new perspective with my background in civil rights, social justice, and work with marginalized identities, and I knew it was time to launch The Gemini Group. My goal was to create a firm that not only addressed why Equity mattered but more importantly focused on how to implement these principles effectively. I wanted to help organizations build cultures, climates, and systems that actively reduce harm and negative outcomes to marginalized groups.
With The Gemini Group, I wanted to show organizations that Equity work doesn’t have to be divisive; it can and should be truly inclusive. This work calls for everyone’s involvement and accountability, especially from those with unearned privilege. It’s about creating shared power, not taking power away from some to give to others. It’s moving from the outdated idea that America is a “melting pot” of assimilation toward a new vision of America as a “salad”—where each person’s unique identity is preserved, celebrated, and valued. This vision goes beyond merely “having a seat at the table”; it’s about having a voice at the table and a say in the decision-making process. It’s about walking the talk, not just checking the box.
I started The Gemini Group to work with businesses and organizations willing to engage in real, challenging work to create lasting change—not as a trend, but because they understand that sustainability in today’s society requires authentic engagement in Equity. This work is my passion, and since the firm’s inception in 2017, I’ve loved every minute of the journey.
Christina S. Hassan, CEO of The Gemini Group LLLC